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Mindblown: Language-Philosophy-Simulation

  • DAY 19 – Start – WaKAYAMA-Yoshino

    Have already reconoitered here some years back now the hard graft begins. Five reasons: No More Hiroshimas! No Taiwan Strait! Dont Step in The Same River twice! mpbs.xyz – online uni 1044-45.xyz – The B29 simulation.

  • DAY 6-18

    During the 12 days of Western Christmas took a short planning break, heading off tomorrow, aim to spend enough days on the road to acquire the magic number of signs.

  • Day One – FIVE: Isumi city to Tokyo CITY

    Just in preparation mode, heading of to Soga via Mobara and then hitting Chiba city. Spreading the news about the logos-generating simulation! ok so finally managing an update , retraced steps several times for accomodation and had a good day in Chiba and then really great Christmas Day on the Sumida River boardwalk. spoke to…

  • UK Part I: Starmaggedon

    An unusually rigid thinker has taken over the PM – ship in the UK a dystopian triadic combination of three characters. He studied the law, dabbled with concretised ideology and then went through his extended save-the-world phase and now its the hang-on-to-the-cone (of power) for as long as possible. He talks calmly not because he…

  • Modes of Self-reflection

    Just occuring at the moment that if the human brain has 2-4 dimensions of higher energy to what extent are these manifested and to what extent can they be treated as “gears”. The third dimesnion can be termed the concrete internalization where information is processed as naturally emanating factually or phenomenologically – these two are…

  • August 6th – Hiroshima – Technology as a mode of Annihilation

    Dates and places become linked in the imagination, birthdays, anniverseries etc and places holding meaning such as UN heritage sites. Indubitably the depth of meaning associated with the events of Hiroshima are near impossible to confront in their totality except as the final tragedy and showdown between conflicting forces. The curtain being drawn on that…

  • Motivation for long-term stay in japan!

    You can always drill down to sort, categorize and distil the reasons behind various behaviours. Lets say that there are three modes of reasoning behind an extended stay in Japan – the first is broadening the mind – self-explanetory. Firstly, one learns a balance of language, culture and basic experiences without any intention to abandon…

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